For those who didn’t know, I celebrated my 29th birthday on December 6th 2019. Shortly thereafter I posted photos of all the amazing things that had happened in the last year. I honestly was not expecting much, but I was taken aback when I had my final group of photos. Not only were they numerous, they were also very marking moments. And I thought it would be a great occasion on New Years Eve to share Tiny Adventures Journey’s 2019 in review!
January 2019
The month of January 2019 was another No Spending Month. Although we didn’t go out much, we did get to be featured on Radio Canada about our minimalist lifestyle.
I did lots of decluttering, which made for a productive month. You can read more about our decluttering journey here.
And despite our no spending month, we did spend some money at the end of January when we celebrated Robbie Burns Day with the Moncton District Pipe Band.
I challenged myself to keep track of every book I read this year. Make sure to take a look at my 2019 Books Highlight reel on Instagram to see everything I read!
To finish off the month, my best friend had her baby shower which I was so happy to be able to attend!
February 2019
During the month of February I travelled to Winnipeg, Manitoba to write an article about Le Festival du Voyageur.
I missed Valentine’s Day this year because I was in Winnipeg, but that didn’t stop Max from getting me my favourite flowers.
(photo of flowers)
I also practiced skating during the month of February. For those of you who didn’t know, I’ve only ever skated a handful of times as an adult, and you do in fact forget how to do some things when you don’t do them often!
(photo of skates)
March 2019
The month of March 2019 consisted of lots of decluttering. I went through all the papers, all the miscellaneous items in the office and all the items in the bathroom.
A YouTuber I really like posted videos about GYST – getting your shit together – and I was inspired to start doing some GYST days myself. I even did a video and post it on our YouTube Channel.
After years of searching I found the perfect mirror and wall decor for our bedroom.
And I am so happy I finally set some money aside to go get and get my hair done at what is now my favourite salon!
Something special also happened during the month of March 2019. A friend of mine who worked at Radio Canada pitched to her team the idea of highlighting an amazing festival that happens in my hometown every year. This festival is called Mi-Carême. This year I was so fortunate to show my friend and her colleagues around Cheticamp, Nova Scotia and explain to them the traditions of Mi-Carême.
April 2019
The month of April 2019 focused a lot around our Tiny House. First of all, we worked on the model of our Tiny House.
Then we looked for land, and it was quite the process. But after much searching, we found the perfect spot and bought a piece of land!
The month of April was also when my friends Ruth Ann and Michelle launched their new event called Bblink! This event is geared towards local businesses and creating partnerships within the community.
May 2019
Something I never imagined would happen did in fact happen in the month of May 2019 – I got a job as an Executive Assistant at the nordic spa!

To celebrate this amazing achievement, Max and I went on a special date night to Gasthof Old Bavarian Restaurant!
I also attended the East Coast Comic Expo during the month of May and I got to see some amazing costumes. And I also met the cutest lil rat!
May brought lots of warmer weather, which meant we were able to get over to the land and start cutting some trees.
June 2019
The month of June is always pretty hectic due to the annual Greater Moncton Highland Games. And this year it was particularly stressful – and also exciting – because Max’s band was competing for the first time in over 9 years.
On top of preparing for the highland games, we were also busy with some family gatherings, such as my niece’s graduation in Halifax!
I took some time for myself during this busy month and focused my energy on another GYST day.
And another memorable moment was spending the evening with my mom watching Lonestar live at Casino NB!
July 2019
There are two important things I prioritized in 2019: family and my relationship. Max and I made plans to spend quality time together, and part of that was to try new restaurants!
The month of July was also highlighted by me practicing a more sustainable lifestyle by joining in on Plastic Free July.
Summer really felt like it kicked in during the month of July. Max and I took as many opportunities as we could to relax and spend some time at the beach.
Having said that, we were also traveling a lot during the summer due to the large amount of Highland Games Max was competing in. We went to Antigonish and stayed with a close friend’s parents (best hosts ever!), then we were off to Fredericton, where we were also hosted by some wonderful people! And the not only did the band win 1st place, Max also won 4th place in solo competition!!
August 2019
The sweetness of summer was still lingering throughout the whole month of August. We spent some more time at the beach, where I paddle-boarded for the first time!
We got to celebrate a beautiful wedding during the month of August too.
Something else pretty incredible happened in the month of August, while I had a media pass for the Congrès Mondial Acadien; I got to interview Zachary Richard!!
And Max’s best friend got married!
We moved the tiny house to the land in August as well…
Guys, there’s more! In August, we attended a dinner theatre for the first time, followed by drinks the gang!
And I went to my firs ever drag show, entitled Le First Drag Ball Acadien!
September 2019
After having been employed for only a few months, I was in complete awe that my boss approached me and offered me a raise! You’re now looking at the Executive Assistant and Floor Manager.
Happy Hour Club Moncton had their first event on September 18th, where I was one of the featured faces!
I’m not quite sure how I heard about it, but I ended up going to a Van Life meet up all by myself. I was really nervous about attending alone, but I met some new people and had a great afternoon chatting about alternative living.
And speaking of alternative living, we did a bit of work on the tiny house and hung out on the land.
Another first for me in September – I attended the Climate Strike March!
October 2019
The month started off with a band! I got filmed for a documentary on minimalist living for the TV show Citoyen 2.0.
I had a great weekend away during October 2019. I had to pleasure of attending a blogger event over on Oak Island!
I went for a wine tasting at Magnetic Hill Winery with work in October!
And we went to visit my family in Sydney for Thanksgiving – during which time we visited my step brother’s goats and visited my dad at work at the Fortress of Louisburg.
And to finish off the month of October, Max and I got dressed up for Halloween a little early since he was in the US on actual Halloween day.
Oh yeah… and we BOUGHT A HOUSE!
November 2019
The month of November 2019 started off pretty hectic given that I was trying to unpack everything and Max was away. I did take a little bit of time for myself though and attended a paper flower workshop. #gifted
Some downsides to the end of 2019 is that we had quite a bit of car issues; all of which happened while Max was gone. So after he got back we started looking and found the perfect new addition to our car family (and we said goodbye to the SUV).
I practiced a little bit of self care during November 2019 by going back to Reverie Hair Loft and getting my hair done again.
Work as an influencer never really stops. I was very fortunate to have been invited to a Feminine Health Workshop hosted by Sparkle Lifestyle Medispa. During this event we learned about all things vagina, and it was honestly so educational. Here I am posing with Penelope Pelvis and her owner Katie.
To end 2019, we spent lots of time with family. We also had a little health scare with a family member, so we traveled to visit them and to be there for our family as much as we could.
December 2019
December is always a special month for multiple reasons. Firstly, it’s a special month because my birthday happens to fall in December. This year, Max and I spent half the day at the spa.
It also happens to the the month our little munchkins come to life.
And then it was basically time to start celebrating Christmas! Christmas number one was in Sydney. This year Max and I decided to spend less on gifts, and treat ourselves to one night’s stay in a hotel room.
We celebrated Christmas again on Christmas Day with the Bernards. And then once more on December 28th with the Mills family.
And that is the story of everything that happened to Tiny Adventures Journey team in 2019! Catch you all in 2020!
[…] Tiny Adventures Journey’s 2019 in Review […]