Decluttering Office Supplies // KonMari Method

We haven’t posted in a while about our decluttering series using the KonMari Method! But don’t worry, we haven’t given up – we’ve just been super busy. One of things that has been keeping us busy is decluttering office supplies using the KonMari Method. That and working on getting everything set up for our Tiny House!

If you haven’t heard of the KonMari Method, you may or may not be living under a rock, but in either case I’ll give you a brief explanation. Marie Kondo is a decluttering master who has written books such as The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and Spark Joy. Plus, she’s even got a show on Netflix now.

Marie Kondo’s method to getting rid of stuff is simple: hold every single item in your possession and ask yourself if it sparks joy.

You read that correctly – every. single. item. 

But all of this must be done in a specific order, as listed below:

And so here we are now, having just recently finished decluttering office supplies from the house. Having done so, we thought it was important to share what went well, and what went not-so-well.

Pros of decluttering office supplies:

  • It’s a big weight lifted off your shoulders
  • You learn what you actually use VS what you don’t use
  • Because you learn what you actually use, you now know what to should buy VS what not to buy
  • You realize you really don’t need much – which means you can get rid of lots of stuff
  • You are much more motivated to get work done without all the clutter in the office

Cons of decluttering office supplies:

  • It’s a pain in the butt because you don’t realize how fast it all accumulates
  • It can be meticulous work
  • You feel like throwing everything away, but all the items could be used by someone else so you don’t throw anything away
  • You find embarrassing stuff you wish you’d never owned
  • The office is going to look much worse before it can look better

All in all, I think the pros outweigh the cons. It was a very successful process, and mostly, I’m glad it’s over – for now.

Here’s the video footage of the whole ordeal:

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