In past years, I review the year by going through content on social media and photos/videos on my phone. And going through my phone really quickly, I can tell you all that what I mostly did for the entire month of January 2021 was take videos of my dog playing in the snow. And it doesn’t get much better than that.
In January 2021, other than taking videos of my dog, I bought black lipstick and decided to try Tiktok for the first time.
This year, we also decided to do a No Spending Month for January 2021. You can read more about it in this Instagram post.
And at the end of January, I was featured in some media outlets, including the Chronicle Herald and Saltwire. This was an article written by my friend Laura focusing on Zero Waste Laundry. I gave tips on how to reduce waste when it comes to all things laundry. You can read some of these same tips in a different post that I published on Tiny Adventures Journey by clicking here.
January was also the month that Max officially started his path to a new career. More on that in August!
I hit 1500 followers on Instagram in February!
In other exciting news, I updated my wardrobe slash my virtual closet through Simply Stylish. I also kept working on my dad’s belated birthday gift (see next month to see how long it actually took me to complete).
We went skating a few times this winter, mostly in February, including one time when Max was wearing his kilt! We’re looking forward to participating in this year’s Kilt Skate in Moncton (organized on our area by the Greater Moncton Scottish Association).
The pets are finally starting to tolerate each other by this point (Jake has been in our home since January 2020).
This had been previously done on occasion, but this particular one is too good not to share. Sometimes when Max makes our bed, he will arrange the stuffed animals in silly ways. And I have to say the first one in March made me burst into laughter when I got home from work.
I found my first grey hair during the month of March, though none ever reappeared afterwards. And unrelated, I finally finished my dad’s birthday present (it took me 2 entire months to make!!)
If I had to pick the best moment in March 2021, I think I would probably say when I first ate a Mini Egg donut from Tim Hortons. Sweet baby Jesus…
Ok, ok, and also the trip that I had it on. We drove up to visit Max’s family in Charlo with the dog and even had the time to do a last run at cross country skiing. (The snow melted shortly thereafter)
And to finish off the month of March, I got my hair chopped off, coloured and styled!
Things seemed to be getting back to normal by April and I had the chance to go out for drinks with some great friends!
I got a little care package in the mail during April from my step-sister. She sent me the cutest gift – a sloth lunch bag!!
My friend Pauline and I also decided to meet up a few Mondays each month to practice photography. And I have to say, I am so incredibly impressed with how much she progressed in the few months she dedicated to improving her skills.
Here’s a quick look at one of the photos she took of me during one of our outings:

On my list of things to do each new year, trying new restaurants is always on the top of the list. In April we took the time to go eat at India King, where I convinced Max to get the Non-Veg Thali, while I got the vegetarian version. If you’re going to eat Indian Food, you might as well do it right. (I highly recommend getting the thali anywhere it’s available – you will not be disappointed!)
I also wore this stylish outfit for a promotional video my friends were filming for a special product they launched.
Can you believe it was that warm in April?!
To finish off the month of April, I met a someone who is now one of my closest friends. We met on the internet, so of course I chose a public location for our first meet up. We went for a visit to the zoo, since I had some free passes. After our visit was done, I definitely knew we would be great friends, because she decided to buy me something from the gift shop to say thank you. For those who don’t know me that well, gifts are my number one love language so we are basically meant to be.
On May 1st, I tried Halo Donuts for the first time of my life, and I was blown away. It has definitely become a Moncton staple, and I look forward to enjoying more donuts in the near future!
More photoshoots were had in the month of May, with even more friends! Almost every time, we decided to meet up downtown to do different kinds of photography. For this visit, we did small sequences for each person that was present. My personal favourites were the shots of my friend Jenna from Pickle Planet Moncton.
Max also got a chance to be in front of the camera in May 2021. Pauline and her husband did some filming for an INCREDIBLE ad for the Greater Moncton Scottish Association. They asked Max to be featured as a piper in the video so we met them out at Hopewell Rocks on a beautiful day in May.
May was a very warm month this year and I had the chance to wear some very cute outfits.
The Year in Review would not be complete without some more sloths being featured. And Max really surprised me with this little gift!
It’s crazy how fast you forget about the weather once it changes. Apparently it got so hot so fast this year that we went swimming in early June!! (If you know me, you know I don’t really love swimming if the water is mildly chilly!)
We also had to force the dog to cool off (he does not like getting wet). Fortunately we live very close to an outdoor splash pad so we could easily walk there and all enjoy a refreshing soak.
After much waiting (mostly due to the pandemic) Max was finally able to start working as a motorcycle instructor. His first two shifts were in Miramichi in the month of June. They put him up at the Days Inn and I was able to go up with him the first weekend to explore the area!
During the month of June, I took the time to enjoy some great wine and spend lots of time outdoor.
And the month ended with a cool unveiling of a new sign in Downtown Moncton!
Max and I decided to do a day trip to Fredericton in July. While we were there, we got a chance to visit our friend Thomas and go out for lunch at a new restaurant. And of course, a trip to Fredricton means a mandatory stop at Shake Shed Freddy!
July was a very exciting month because on July 10th 2021, my step-brother got married! They had a beautiful ceremony in Cape Breton, which we were all able to attend!
Due to the very early warmth mentioned throughout this post, the blueberries came out early in 2021! I feel so fortunate to know of a great spot to pick wild blueberries right outside of town.
Our neighbours also opened their pool at the beginning of July and we are so grateful that they offer to let us go swimming to cool down during the hot summer months!
My new friend Mikaela and I got to spend lots of time together during the summer (and most of the year). This includes a visit to go see some llamas and alpacas!
I also got to experience something new in July. Max’s friend invited us to go out mudding. This is not something I would usually be interested in doing, but I told myself I needed to try new things and open myself up to the possibilities of having fun even if I thought I wouldn’t like it.
For those who haven’t heard the long version of this story, it was fun, but the longest day of my entire life. We ended up being gone for a total of 16 hours.

The month of August was also very exciting, but for different reasons. The biggest news that came forth during August 2021 was that Max was officially began his training to become a Correctional Officer! He went off to PEI on August 16th for a 3-month training period. What with everything going on in the world, we weren’t sure if we would be able to see each other during this period, so we made sure to celebrate during the first two weeks of August!
I don’t know a better way to kick off my favourite month of the year than with a new (to us) car!
We spent a lot of time at the beach during those first two weeks of August, including some time with family.
Jake went camping for the first time ever, and he finally decided that he likes going into the water!
We also made sure to enjoy lots of ice cream, especially treats from Bennic!
Though it wasn’t as leisurely, we also did some work on the house, including painting most of the front face of it!
Just before Max had to leave, I made sure to organize a special surprise party so that we could all say goodbye and good luck on his new venture! A small amount of family and friends came by at different intervals to celebrate him starting his new career.
Saying goodbye on August 16th was definitely one of the most difficult things I had to do in 2021. But I knew that it was temporary, and I was so thankful that the reason we needed to be apart was for something great that would bring him so much happiness.
The rest of August mostly consisted of going out with family and friends.
I even had the opportunity to try another new restaurant for brunch with two of my friends. We went out to enjoy mimosas and some breakfast at Gahan House! It was definitely a great occasion to get dressed up, and I certainly didn’t pass up the occasion.
In September 2021, I got used to eating alone. This was especially difficult because meal planning was now for one. And although I like leftovers, they can get really tiresome quite fast if you have to eat the same thing five days in a row. I learned to make smaller portions, while still making foods I enjoy.
I am eternally grateful for my brother and his friend who came to replace my toilet during the month of September. It had been leaking a little bit, and it was just really getting on my nerves. I had initially planned to do it with my brother. But when he got off work early on Friday, he got right to it. Of course, complication arose, as they always do, and his friend Max came to aid us! I bought them pizza and beer, even though I know it was not enough to say thank you!!

My hair was due for a little sprucing up, so I reached out to my friend Becky to get that done!
It isn’t fall until you’ve been apple picking! Unfortunately, Max was unavailable so I went with my new friend Mikaela and her fiancé.
I also made the most of the cool air and went to explore different local coffee shops.
Jake was also loving the cooler weather. We got to go to the park multiple times.
The best pizza restaurant (in my opinion!) “reopened” in November. The East Coast Kitchen Group hosts local food providers. This includes the infamous Cut Throat Pizza!!
On November 19th 2021, Max and all his classmates graduated from their 3 month training program! One of his closest friends Ron was having his whole family drive up to PEI for the graduation, so I knew I had to be there too. Everyone met up the night before for some drinks. The ceremony took place as a live video footage. We watched in a local restaurant.
November is also the month that Max decided to cut his hair! Isn’t he so handsome?!
My birthday is on December 6th and I was fortunate enough to be able to celebrate it with a few people! My mom took me out for brunch, and Max took me shopping.
Another new friend and I had been meaning to organize a doggy date for most of the year. It finally happened in early December and I personally think they had the best time!
We were also SO fortunate that all of our family was able to come visit us during the holiday season! My father, step-mom and my step-sister (and her baby!) visited on December 21st. My mom, step-dad and their friends, as well as Max’s parents visited for Christmas Day! I couldn’t believe that everyone took time from their busy schedules to come see us.
And of course, we ended the year with our traditional Christmas Card.
Thank you for taking the time to go through this entire Year in Review! Wishing you well in 2022!
That Christmas card though! I’m crying.
I’m amazed at how social your year was! It seems you managed to keep a lot of social interactions going, with lots of great outings.
Hahahaha thank you! Yes, I feel so fortunate that we were able to see family and friends throughout the year, though some months were certainly more social than others. So happy that we got to spend some time together in 2021 and hopefully we can meet up again soon and catch up!