Tiny Tips – On Taking A Break

In this day and age, it seems to be getting harder and harder for people to let themselves relax and take a break. Even at work I see my bosses and coworkers eating lunch at their desks and work through their breaks just so they can keep working on whatever tasks seems to be consuming their life at the time. Now more than ever, I think we all need to take a step back and look at how we can take a break – from whatever it may be you need to take a break from.


Schedule It

You’re a busy person, you don’t have time to take a break. That’s what a lot of people tell themselves. But your body needs rest, it needs to unwind every once in a  while. So if you have a crazy hectic life, it’s time you schedule a break time – a real one.

Prioritize It

You need to make rest a priority or you will inevitably crash. Ever heard of a burn out? I can bet you’ve either gone through one, or you’ve heard about someone who has, and it is NEVER a positive experience. Therefor, it’s crucial that you prevent that from happening by prioritizing a little bit of time off.

Enjoy It

When comes the time to actually take a break, make the most out of it! Enjoy your time off to the best of your ability, and I can guarantee you, your body will thank you. If enjoying your time off means doing absolutely nothing, than do it! Or if a good break for you means socializing with family or friends, then that’s what you should do! Just do something that makes you happy.


Do you find you have trouble taking breaks from the work your doing? What is the most efficient way you’ve been able to make sure you are taking time off? Let us know in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

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